Investigators will take the stand to testify at Michelle Lodzinski's trial for her 5-year-old son's murder.
NEW BRUNSWICK -- More investigators are expected to take the stand today in the trial of Michelle Lodzinsky who is charged with the murder of her 5-year-old son, Timothy Wiltsey, who disappeared in 1991.
Timmy's remains were found in a swampy area of Raritan Center in Edison 11 months after he disappeared.
The investigators include Sayreville police officers who worked on the case from the time Lodzinski reported him missing the evening of May 25, 1991 from a carnival in Kennedy Park in Sayreville until many of them retired more than a decade later.
Lodzinski, 48, originally told police that her son was with her when she went to buy soda at a concession stand. She said he was standing about eight feet away when she turned around to pay for the soda, but when she turned back around, he was gone.
In later statements played to the jury last week, Lodzinski changed her story to police, stating Timmy was abducted by a woman named Ellen and two men.
Police have testified that Lodzinski became the prime suspect in her son's disappearance by June 11, 1991, but she was not charged with his murder until Aug. 2014 after the Middlesex County Prosecutor's Office reopened the case in 2011 and began another investigation.