Before Google Earth, aerial photos were the only time regular folks got a first-hand, bird's eye view of land and sea without flying.
I freely admit that I'm not a frequent flyer. And, I can honestly say that I like the window seat on a plane and the view that spot affords its occupant.
Will anyone admit to looking out the window in the hopes of seeing a familiar landmark or even your own home? I do it.
Before Google Earth, this was about the only time regular folks got a first-hand, bird's eye view of land and sea. Otherwise, one had only aerial photography for reference.
According to the Professional Aerial Photographers Association, the first aerial photos were taken in 1858 by French photographer and balloonist Gaspar Felix Tournachon.
Others found different ways of capturing photos from above. In 1903, Bavarian Julius Neubranner designed a tiny breast-mounted camera for carrier pigeons; in San Francisco, George Lawrence used a camera attached to a string of kites to capture aerial views of the devastation following the earthquake of 1906.
MORE: Vintage photos around New Jersey
As one would expect, the PAPA notes that "the first aerial photography taken from an airplane was in 1909, by Wilbur Wright. He was in Italy, engaged in marketing planes to the Italian government, when he carried a passenger who took motion pictures of the military field at Centocelli, near Rome."
Some of the photos in this gallery might be a touch difficult to look at for those who aren't enamored of heights. Photos noted as being taken in 1920 along the Jersey Shore were accomplished by the U.S. Navy flying a lighter-than-air craft along the coast and shooting directly down as they slowly passed over the different communities.
I'd prefer not to think about who drew the duty with a bulky 1920s camera.
Here's a gallery of vintage aerial views from New Jersey. Enable captions to learn all the wheres and whens.
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: We're working on a future photo gallery of mealtime in New Jersey, and are seeking your submissions. Any photos taken before 1987 of people enjoying a sit-down dinner at home, a backyard barbecue or any situation where folks got together for a repast in the past are welcome; attach them as a jpg file to an email to
Greg Hatala may be reached at Follow him on Twitter @GregHatala. Find The Star-Ledger on Facebook.