Two drivers were taken to local hospitals where they were treated for non-life threatening injuries, police said.
SOUTH BRUNSWICK - A two-car collision Monday sent one driver through a row of bushes at a Courtyard by Marriott parking lot before plunging 12 feet into a retention basin, according to police.
The accident occurred shortly after 6:30 p.m. as Florencia Nievas, 21, of Rahway drove her silver Toyota Corolla north on Route 535.
As Nievas tried to make a left onto Route 32 West, she collided with a Lexus RX4 driven by Paras Dalal, 47, of East Windsor, according to police.
Nievas' car struck a curb, went through bushes, hit the Courtyard by Marriott sign and bounced off a retaining wall. The vehicle dropped 12 feet into a retention basin, landing on its roof, police said.
The basin, which is used to manage storm-water runoff, was dry at the time of the accident.
Nieves and Dalal were taken to local hospitals where they were treated for injuries not considered life-threatening.
The roadway was partly blocked for an hour as a towing company used a lift to remove the vehicle from the basin.
The accident is under investigation.

Anthony G. Attrino may be reached at Follow him on Twitter @TonyAttrino. Find on Facebook.