The 8-year-old 3rd grader from Colonia was cast to play the younger version of Fallon and appears in the segment telling an 1980s-themed funny to a group of children on a stoop.
Add FOX's hit series "Empire" to the list of TV shows that Jimmy Fallon has poked fun at on The Tonight Show.
Last night's episode of Fallon featured a 10-minute spoof of the hit drama with the host dressed like Empire's lead actor, Terrence Howard. Playing the role of "Juicy Jim," Fallon must chose who will take over The Tonight Show, considering he "might not be around forever, with my finger being in the condition it is."
But before choosing whom to entrust his "Jimpire" to, Fallon waxes poetic about the jokes he told as a youngster in Brooklyn.
Enter Nicholas Testa.
The 8-year-old 3rd grader from Colonia was cast to play the childhood version of Fallon and appeared in the hilarious segment. Nicholas shows up when Fallon reminisces about a joke he told a group of children on a stoop one day as a kid.
"Where does the cantaloupe go for vacation?" Testa asks the group.
"John Cougar's melon camp!" he responds.
Nicholas, whose father Carmine owns Carmine's Pizza Factory in Downtown Jersey City, is no stranger to the camera. He and his older brother, Michael, have been featured in several daytime talk shows for their amazing pizza-twirling skills.
Nicholas booked the role as a young Fallon and filmed the segment last week in Harlem, his father said Tuesday.
While Nicholas was only shown for moment during last night's episode, who knows, one day perhaps Fallon will pass the reins of his Tonight Show "empire" to the pizza-twirling youngster from Colonia.