Unknown chemicals were found on the bathroom floor.
HIGHLAND PARK -- Borough Hall was evacuated on Tuesday after an unknown chemical-like liquid was found dumped on the floor of one of the building's bathrooms, according to a borough official.
A county hazmat team was still at Borough Hall investigating the scene as of about 1 p.m.
It is unknown at this time what type of substance was found.
No one was injured, according to Mayor Gayle Brill Mittler.
The liquid was found in the bathroom on the first floor -- the same floor as where municipal court meets on Tuesday mornings.
Mittler said the substance had a "heavy varnish smell," but that an investigation would determine what it specifically was. She also said officials would be investigating who poured the substance.
Everyone was sent home as a precautionary measure, Mittler said.
Tuesday night's scheduled council meeting has been moved from borough hall to the Highland Park Senior Youth Center.
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