Vape shops will be subject to fines if found to have sold electronic smoking products to youth.
HIGHLAND PARK -- The borough council has passed an ordinance that will fine electronic smoking retailers that sell products to underage youth.
The ordinance, which will take effect on July 1, also imposes a $1,200 licensing fee on all vape retailers to fund an enforcement program allowing health officers to conduct random inspections to verify compliance, according to a previous report.
Any retailer found in violation will be subject to fines ranging from $100 and $2,000.
The ordinance was unanimously passed by the borough on first reading in March.
There are currently nine vape shops in Highland Park.
The enforcement program would also include an educational component in which underage youth would join enforcement officials on the compliance checks, previous reports said.
Last year, the borough council passed an ordinance prohibiting the sale of cigarettes and electronic smoking devices to anyone under 21 years old. Even though the legal age to purchase cigarettes in the state is 19, municipalities can implement their own tobacco and nicotine sale regulations.
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