A New Jersey teenager was among three caught by New York City police for scaling a 15-story crane.
NEW YORK CITY -- A 16-year-old New Jersey teen was one of three teenagers nabbed by police on Sunday after scaling a 15-story crane in Tribeca to take photos, according to a report by the NY Daily News.
At around 6:30 p.m., the teen, who lives in Edison, and two other teens -- a 15-year-old from Brooklyn and a 14-year-old from Manhattan -- scaled a crane at West Street near Desbrosses Street, the report said.
The crane was positioned on a construction site of a building.
After the three climbed down, police took them into custody. All three had cameras, according to the NY Daily News.
The 16-year-old was charged with criminal trespass, the report said.
The two other teenagers were charged with criminal trespass as juveniles and released to their parents.
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