Voltaire Rafael Capellan was charged Tuesday with two counts of aggravated assault
PERTH AMBOY -- Police have arrested a 43-year-old city man and charged him with a hit-and-run over the weekend that left two pedestrians, including a child, injured.
Voltaire Rafael Capellan was charged Tuesday with two counts of aggravated assault in the incident around 4 p.m. Sunday near the entrance of South Marina parking lot on Front Street, according to authorities.
Capellan is accused of partially running over the two pedestrians, one of whom was a 10-year-old, while backing up in his black pickup, Perth Amboy police said in a release.
Capellan allegedly sped away after the incident, according to police.
The extent of the two pedestrians' injuries was not known Wednesday.
Capellan was released from Middlesex County Adult Correction Center with a court date, jail officials said.
Police are still investigating the incident. Anyone with information can call 732-324-3820 or 732-442-4400.
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